All posts in Open Source


I just released a set of scripts that come in handing when creating clean images for virtual environment, heck you can even use it for cloud images.

What they do is:

  • clear all the logs
  • clean up the networking scripts, because the normally get references to the mac address in CentOS
  • clean up the repository files
  • in some cases create a root user

There are scripts for: CentOS 6, Debian and OpenSuse.

They can be be found in the tools section or in github.

Measuring community activity in Cloud Computing projects

I normally try to stick to posting original content on my site, but I ran across this post today while doing some research for the Hacker High School project.

It presents a really well structured analysis of the communities that support and give life to the main Cloud Computing projects: OpenStack, CloudStack, Eucalyptus and OpenNebula. All the information was extracted from public forums and code management systems.

You can find the post here:

Executive summary

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Adoption of Linux releases

I’m impressed how some software Vendor have resisted to provide support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL6) and its derivates for their products. This week I ran into two examples:

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Merging PDF files

Have you ever scanned a pile of documents on a “non enterprise” o home scanner, or just got distracted when using the big Xerox machine in the office.  You’ll end up with a ton of individual pdf files.  After a little google and man reading I found these 2 solutions.

  1. On linux just use pdfmerge:   sudo yum install pdfmerge or download the windows version
  2. Do it by hand with ghostscript:

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=finished.pdf Scan001.pdf Scan002.pdf

picasa and Fedora 10

It’s really been a while since a sent my last update with pictures of what I’ve done.  I normally try to keep friends and family up to date on what I’ve been doing since I moved to the other side of the Atlantic (to the European side).  So today I fired up picasa to get the web albums up2date and nothing happend.  When I ran it in a shell this came out:

/usr/bin/picasa: line 139: 25634 Segmentation fault      “$PIC_BINDIR”/wrapper
/usr/bin/picasa: line 175: 25734 Segmentation fault      “$PIC_BINDIR/wrapper” regedit /E $registry_export HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-4\Software\Google\Picasa\Picasa2\Preferences\

After googling for I while I didn’t find any reasonable explanation for the error.  I did find a beta (comming from google what could I expect) repository (here are the instructions on how to set it up) and upgraded from picasa-2.7.3736-15 to picasa-3.0.5744-02

It started up, I’ll keep you posted on how it goes with the field try..